Wednesday, September 16, 2009

So Few Are So Humble

It was so refreshing to hear the words of John Stockton as he accepted his induction into the basketball hall of fame last week. While other athletes go on and on about how great they are and their own wonderful achievements, this humble yet ultra talented guy gave praise to almost everyone else but himself in his speech. He credited his great coach and his awesome teammates and just about everyone else and said that he was never the best player on any team he had ever played on! Can you imagine this being said by the man who holds some basketball records that may never be matched? He is truly an inspiration to the sport. Jerry Sloan was also a model of humility in his acceptance speech. Oh, that there could be more of their ilk.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Great Things Are Happening

I've been remiss about keeping this blog current lately and I don't really have a good excuse except that during the summertime there isn't a lot going on in the basketball world. Things are beginning to change in that respect, however. This big news this week has to do with the induction of Jerry Sloan along with John Stockton to the Basketball Hall of Fame. I am thrilled about this honor that both Jerry and John are so deserving of getting. Both of them are humble, understated guys who perform extremely well in their chosen field.
The years of Stockton-Malone were awesome for the fans of the Utah Jazz. They were a consistent, fierce, highly competitive duo that gave all they had. You didn't see them missing games because of a bruised muscle or a strained ligament. Those guys came to play each and every time they stepped on the floor. I'm thinking that there's a very good chance we may never see their likes again. As for Jerry, yes he can be a bit crusty at times and has a mouth that can make most anyone blush if they're sitting very nearby and yet he has been and continues to be a great coach for the team. He is as consistent in his own way as Karl and John were in there's. Congratulations and well done to two of the best in the sport.